Memorial match 2nd September 2012

The Keith Scrivener/Norman Unwin memorial match took place as a pairs event on Willows and Alders. A total of ten pairs fished the match. A lovely day was had by all, and the prizegiving was held around Keith's memorial bench with a few words in memory of both gentlemen.

The winners were Karen and Paul Smythe with 4 points, which apparently surprised Karen as she believed Paul wasn't pulling his weight on Willows. Matrimonial bliss was soon restored at the weigh-in however. Second place went to Billy Lowe and Steve Myers with 7 points, and third was Vince Bonnick and John Cox with 9 points.

Individually Karen won Alders with 4lb from peg 23, and Billy Lowe won Willows with 76lb 2oz from peg 42.